Lizenzjagd gegen Wilderei

In der Ausgabe von “Hunter`s Path” S. 28 ff 4/2015 und S.42 ff 4/2015 wurde einiges zum Thema Lizenzjagd und daraus ermöglichter Tierschutz und Bekämpfung der Wilderei behandelt, siehe auch Neumann-Neudamm AG, . Wir zitieren hier in , entsprechende Passagen in Auszügen:


Interview mit PH Falko Schwarz:

What makes the Caprivi special?

The success of the conservancy principle. Hunting in an arena without any fences. The varied landscape, the rivers – the Zambezi, the Okavango, the Chobe and the Kwando and Linyanti. Here you find mopane forests, thornbush savanna, rivers, and marsh.

The variety of game found here is large and varied and consists only of species that occur endemically in Namibia, like lechwe, sitatunga, bushbuck, sable, hippo, crocodile, tsessebe, waterbuck, and reedbuck. In my hunting concession in the Caprivi, I am fortunate that all the varied landscape forms occurring there are present. The local population is also very open, friendly and helpful, which makes our cooperative situation special. For me the Caprivi is one of the last paradises remaining in Africa.

Many hunters regard the prices for the hunts in the Caprivi as quite high. Do you share their opinion?

The prices in Namibia are indeed higher than in Zimbabwe or Mozambique. This is justified however by the fact that a large portion of the income from each hunt income is distributed directly to the local population. Thus the game animals are seen to have a financial value and this carries over directly to species protection and conversation (principle of the conservancy). Moreover we have very good populations of elephants and buffalo, which represent the main game species. The trophy quality is very good, because of the natural age structure of the herds.

Currently a wave of poaching is passing through Africa. Particularly, elephants and rhinos are being targeted. Namibia was considered a last refuge for a long time. Poachers have however discovered is, and recently dozens of black rhinos have been poached. How is the situation in the Caprivi?

Poaching doesn´t stop just because it is the Caprivi. Alone in my concession several elephants have been poached for their ivory. The rapidly rising prices for ivory in Asia means that things aren´t going to get better any time soon. However, it´s not only the elephants that are poached, antelope also fall victim. Overall poaching isn´t yet a disaster in the Caprivi, nevertheless NAPHA has reacted to the situation.

In co-operation with the national nature protection authority, we have decided to do something against poaching. An idea was developed to create an auction for big game, plains game, and cull hunts. These hunts are completely donated by outfitters in Namibia. Proceeds from this auction flow directly into an anti-poaching program created by NAPHA. The money is used partially to pay informants who supply information about poaching activity. Additional local game guards are to be hired, and appropriate equipment is also to be purchased. Also, a helicopter is to be rented and used for dropping off game guards in marsh areas so they can effectively patrol there. Hunters from the entire world can participate. Our first auction took place on September 3, 2015.

How do the anti-poaching efforts in your hunting grounds work, which you manage together with Hentie van Heerden?

We support the local game guards, nature protection officials and the police with their patrols. We have several information that leads to the arrest of poachers. There are numerous patrols. In concrete cases of suspicion, such as unexplainable shots fired, we coordinate joint operations with helicopters and ground troops.

How do you see the future of the big game hunting in Namibia?

I have a mixed view of the future of the big game hunting in Namibia. Political decisions regarding big game hunting have been partially irrational in the past. Nevertheless, Namibia sets an example among other countries in conversation, in that cooperation between all parties concerned works very well (NAPHA, professional hunters, nature protection agencies, WWF, conservancies, etc.) There is no doubt among all the parties involved that sustainable hunting in Namibia represents a benefit for conservation.


Beeindruckend zum Thema sind die Ausführungen von Benson Kibonde, sector warden for the Selous Game Reserve,

The Selous Game Reserve had many years enjoyed its status as the largest stronghold of African elephants in the world. The first formal census was conductes in 1976, an it recorded 110,000 elephants.This was believed to be the carrying capacity of this 50,000-square-kilometer wildlife area. This population of elephants faced an onslaught beginning in early 1980s….Another census was conducted in 1986 and it recorded 55,000 elephants, indicating that in only ten years 55,000 had been massacred….In reaction to the appalling situation, the Frankfurt Zoological Society (FZS) in 1987 sponsored and funded a report on the rehabilitation of the Salous Game Reserve….The German Government qickly intervened by funding an emergency program to address the situation that same year. Two years later, in 1989, a full-fledged program, The Selous Conservation Program, was commissioned by the German Government….In 1989 the census registered slightly less than 30,000 elephants in the ecosystem….

Starting in 2016 the German Government, through the German Development Bank /KfW), will once again come to our rescue. To bridge the gap until this project starts, the International Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation (CIC), he German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ) and the FZS have meanwhile come to our support. Together we have devised a ´Selous Elephant Emergency Project´ (SEEP), which equips rangers and provides urgently required practical assistance. We invited others to join.

The hunting companies have contributed to our efforts against poaching and are still contributing a lot. Some have provided vehicles, others funds for paying monthly allowances for 100 volunteers, while some have supported us by making their vehicles available for transporting scouts to patrol areas. I thank all those who have participated in this painstaking struggle.

The elephant census that was conducted at the end of 2014 showed that we are on the right track. Elephant numbers had increased to 15,000, from the 13,000 of the previous count in 2013. This stabilization was quite contrary to the general trend in the country.

We are doing more and more at a fast rate. It is imperative that tourist hunting continues in the Selous for two main reasons. The first reason is that hunting companies and hunters have helped to control the poaching situation in the reserve through direct involvement. Secondly, 85 % of the Selous retention scheme funds come from hunting. If any amount of the hunting revenue is compromised, the registered success in anti-poaching efforts could be seriously jeopardized.

In 2014 the US Fish & Wildlife Service stopped the importation of hunting-trophy ivory into the USA. This move is a disaster for the Selous, as most of its income is directly or indirectly dependent on elephant hunting. If our remaining 15,000 elephants are wiped put in the very near future, this ban would be a major reason.

I hope that the hunting of elephants will continue. Tourist hunting has a very insignificant impact on the decline in numbers of elephants. It can in no way be linked to the decline. It is poaching alone that has the highest and most unsustainable off-take. There could be stricter requirements for hunting elephants, but hunting should continue. If we stop the hunting of elephants in the Selous, we should be prepared for another pandemonium from poachers, another distressful time, and face a possible loss of an entire populations of elephants in Selous, an elephants´ doomsday. We may not be able to recover the African elephant population in Selous ever. This could be another scenario like the rhino one.

If the current anti-poaching efforts in the Selous are sustained and stepped up, we should be capable of doubling the elephant population there in the next twelve years.

I have never believed that poaching cannot be contained. I will never believe that it is impossible to stop. The last person who pulls a trigger to shoot an elephant is an African in an Africa environment. I am an Africa, trained, committed and confident, and armed and dedicated to protect wildlife in the African environment. I will do all that it takes to stop poaching. I have the will, vision, passion and courage to do it. So do my fellow Selous staff. The international community should understand this. I will not do it for financial gain. God bless the Selous, God bless the elephants, and God bless conservation in Tanzania and the wold over.


Zum Thema Nachhaltigkeit Trophäenjagd / Auslandsjagd  siehe auch: